Where All My Foes Get Their Comeuppance: Conversations in My Head

Orrin Onken
Crow’s Feet
5 min readApr 20, 2023


AI Picture. Bing, Prompt by Author

The old detective show, Dragnet, always contained a scene in which the humorless just-the-facts-ma’am Joe Friday would become irritated by some clueless civilian and give a speech of such power and force that it reduced the poor guy to a quivering tower of Spam aspic. When Joe finished, the four-note theme music — ta da da dum — would play, a rim shot to Joe’s crushing of his…



Orrin Onken
Crow’s Feet

I am a retired elder law attorney who lives near Portland, Oregon. I write legal mysteries for Salish Ponds Press and articles about being old.